Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Do The UnRegrettable . . .

Yeah - unregrettable isn't really a word...but I like the way it sounds :)
So your chest should be feeling pretty good from yesterday's workout.  Today you're going to hit your back.  Once again, heavy weights are needed to really fatigue those large back muscles!  The last exercise in the back workout doesn't require as heavy weights since it targets your upper back.

500 Rep QUICK HIIT - go thru 1x
50 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
50 Bicycle Crunches
50 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
50 Plank Jacks
50 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
50 Alternating Toe Touches
50 Jump Rope Skips
50 Supermans - lying on your belly arms reaching overhead and legs straight - lift arms and legs up and hold for a moment.  OPTION - lift your arms OR legs

Go thru each exercise for 4 sets, rep counts 15, 12, 10 and 8 - start with your normal weight and increase your weight by at least 2.5 lbs each set after that  
Rest for at least 30 seconds between each set
Once you've completed ALL 4 SETS of the exercise, move on to the next one

One Arm DB Row - in a lunge position, lean the same side elbow on the front leg.  Row the DB to your lower rib cage, palm facing in.

Lying DB Pullover - lying on your back, hold one heavy DB over your chest.  Keeping your elbows slightly bent at all times, slowly lower the weight behind your head as far as you can.  Slowly bring the weight back up over your chest.  REMEMBER - too much bend in the elbow will start to stress the triceps instead of your back!

Bent Over Rear Delt Fly - standing with feet hip distance apart, hinge forward from your hips, anywhere between a 45 and 90 degree angle - keep your back flat.  Hold the db straight down in front of you palms facing eachother.  Lift the weights out to the side.


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