Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's the Only Way

You can't build your body without a little effort, a little sweat, and a lot of dedication.  I'm not asking you to train like an Olympic Athlete - I'm just asking you to a little harder each day - because once it starts getting easy - it's not working anymore.

We've got a HIIT circuit today followed by a heavy lift for your BICEPS!

HIIT CIRCUIT - go thru 3x
10 Burpees without Pushup
5 Pushups
20 Pop Squats - start with your feet together - pop out to a low squat - jump back in
5 Pushups
30 Squat to Lunge Back Combo
5 Around the World V-Ups
40 Alternating Front Kicks
5 Divebomber Pushups
50 Mountain Climbers

Go thru the circuit 3x - Because we are working a smaller muscle today make sure you take a 30 to 60  second rest in between each exercise to make sure your muscle can recover before you move on -this will ensure proper form, range of motion and strength gains.

Alternating curl - medium weight - 12 reps each arm
Double Arm Hammer curl - medium weight - palms face eachother - 12 reps
21's - medium weight or bar - palms face up - 7 bottom halves, 7 top halves and then 7 full range
Concentration Curl - medium/heavy weight - 10 reps each arm


Monday, July 30, 2012

Enjoy It, Use It and Never Be Afraid

Hope you enjoyed yesterday's workout and the new format for this week.  Today you will conquer another HIIT workout and then move onto your BACK.

If you are partaking in the CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE make sure you inbox me on the TIGHTERASSETSBYTK facebook page and I will get you started.  If you are working hard you should make sure you are eating right.  I will also make sure to get some more clean recipes up on the RECIPE tab for all you guys!

Take a moment or two to warmup and then get sweaty!

QUICK HIIT - go thru the pyramid ONCE
100 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
90 Bicycle Crunches
80 Jump Lunges
70 Plank Knee Tucks - keep your bum down!
60 Skater Jump Lunges
50 Russian Twists - feet on or off the ground
40 Squat Jumps
30 V-Ups
20 Box Jumps or Step Ups
10 Burpees without Pushup

Go thru the circuit 3x
Bent Over Double Arm Row - palms face eachother - heavy weight - 15 reps
Lying on Floor/Bench PullOver - 1 heavy weight - 15 reps
Bent Over Double Arm Row - palms face forward (underhand grip) - heavy weight - 15 reps
Lying Supermans - laying on belly, arms straight overhead, lift arms and legs up and hold for a moment - 15 reps
Bent Over Double Arm Row - palms face behind you - medium/heavy weight - 15 reps
Standing Y's - medium/light weight - 15 reps - start with both weights in together in front of you, palms facing eachother, keeping your arms straight lift your up and out a bit wider than your shoulders


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let Them Stare

This week we are going to be training a bit differently than what we've been doing.  Everyday you will be doing a HIIT workout followed by a heavy lift for ONE BODY PART only.  The cardio parts of the workouts will be heavy on the legs and core work so we will not be isolating them during the weight portions of our workouts this week.  Here we go!

Warmup for a few minutes.

Go thru the circuit 3x
20 Squat Jumps
20 Front Lunges with Twist - holding moderate weight out in front with straight arms - as you lunge forward, twist in the direction of the front leg
20 Squat Jumps - holding moderate weight at chest level
20 Jump Lunges with Twist - holding moderate weight
20 One Leg Weighted V-Ups - holding weight between your hands straight overhead, lift one leg up as you reach your weight towards that leg (OPTIONS - keep both your feet floating and/or lift entire upper body off the ground as you reach the weight up)

Go thru the entire circuit 3 times
Lying Chest Press - Heavy Weight - 15 reps
10 Pushups
Lying Chest Fly - Moderate Weight - 15 reps
10 Decline Pushups - feet on chair/bench
Standing Scoops - Light/Moderate Weight - 12 reps (palms face up about a foot away from your body, slight bend in your elbows - 'scoop' the weight up and together to the height of your chin
10 Incline Pushups - hands on chair/bench


Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Secret to Fitness

And that's it.  The secret to getting in shape and achieving the shape that you want is to get off your butt everyday and MOVE!  And know that if you keep doing it with INTENTION and INTENSITY, the results will come.  Enough said.

Just a shout out to all who did the workouts this week - they were challenging, I know, I sweated through all of them with you!

Let's get to today's workout so you can start your weekend off right!  Warmup for a few minutes and then start your HIIT workout.

Go thru EACH of the combo moves 5x BEFORE moving onto the next

COMBO MOVE #1 - 50 High Knees + 25 Jump Squats + 10 Pushups

COMBO MOVE #2 - 50 Jump Lunges + 25 Standing Bicycle Crunches + 10 V-Ups

COMBO MOVE #3 - 50 Mountain Climbers + 25 Crab Crunches* + 10 Side Plank Drops (each side)
     *Crab Crunch - In crab position with one hand behind head, pull the opposite knee in towards chest as you crunch towards that knee

Great job - enjoy your weekend!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Serene Lifting

If you did yesterday's blog workout - give yourself a pat on the back - that was a challenging one.  Why does 5 minutes go by so slow when you are working so hard?  Today's workout is similar to yesterday's - a quick HIIT workout and then the 2nd day of your heavy lift - Chest and Arms.  Remember to pick up some heavier weights than you have been the past few weeks - the lifting program changes next week!

Take a moment and warmup then go thru the circuit as many times as you can in 25 minutes.

Go thru the circuit continuously for 25 minutes

5 Burpees without Pushup and with Jump Squat/Tuck
10 Crab Toe Touches - each side
5 3/4 Burpees without Pushup
20 Alternating Leg Drops - laying on back, legs straight up, drop one leg at a time - keep lower back on floor at all times!
5 Oblique Burpees with Knee to Elbow Crunch (each side)
30 Flat Out Bicycle Sit Ups - laying on back, legs straight out, hands behind ears, pull one knee in towards your chest as you sit up and twist towards that knee
5 Rounds of 10 Squat Jumps + 20 Jump Lunges
40 Skater Jump Lunges
5 Rounds of 10 Box Jumps/Step Ups + 10 Lateral Up and Over the Bench
50 Mountain Climbers

Great job.  Now start your lifting session - click here or click on the Strength Training Circuits link to the right.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Surround Yourself with the Strong

Today's workout is a quick HIIT cardio circuit and then a lift - Back and Shoulders.  This is the last week for these strength training routines - so try and up your weight on a few (or all) of the exercises - even if it's just for one set.

You've got 5 - five minute circuits - just go thru each of the circuits as many times as you can during the 5 minutes and then move onto the next.  Remember to warmup for a few minutes first.

Go thru each of the circuits continuously for 5 minutes before moving onto the next.

Circuit 1
20 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Upright or Laying Down Bicycle Crunches

Circuit 2
5 Burpees without Pushup and with Tuck/Squat Jump
10 Divebomber Pushups
20 Side Plank Reach Unders (each side)

Circuit 3
10 Box Jumps or Step Ups each leg
20 Tricep Dips with Alternating Knee Tucks - as you dip, pull one knee in towards your chest
30 Plank Oblique Knee Tucks - in straight arm plank, pull knee in towards opp elbow

Circuit 4
25 Squat Jumps
50 Soccer Ball or Med Ball Taps - alternating legs
25 Plank Superman Lifts - holding yourself in straight arm plank, alternate lifting one arm and opp leg at the same time, holding for a moment and then switching

Circuit 5
50 Jump Lunges
5 Around the Worlds V-Ups - 1 rep includes 1 Left V-up, 1 Center V-up and 1 Right V-up
10 Tricep Pushups

Great job - now click here to get your lift - or click on the Strength Training Circuit tab to the right.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Become Undefeated

In the race of fitness, it's always you vs. you.

So today - I'm keeping it simple - the circuit consists of three combo moves that you will go thru 10x.

Go thru the circuit 10x as fast as you can

Combo Move #1 - 5 Jump Squats + 10 Mountain Climbers + 5 Pushups

Combo Move #2 - 10 Jump Lunges + 10 Plank Jacks + 5 Firefly Pushups

Combo Move #3 - 10 Jumping Jacks or Box Jumps + 10 1/2 Burpees + 10 V-Ups

If you get a chance - post your time on the TIGHTERASSETSbyTK facebook page.  I'll be doing this one with you too - I'll post mine!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fitness. . . A State of Mind

Your body will do anything you tell it to do.  Your mind will fail before your body does - you just have to convince it otherwise.

Let's get this week started with a bang.  A 30 minute cardio and strength training HIIT circuit.  Just set your timer for 30 minutes and go thru the circuit as many times as you can!  Grab a set of heavy weights (10-15lb) and a set of light weights (5lb).

Go thru the circuit as many times as you can in 30 minutes

5 Burpees with Pushup and Jump Squat/Knee Tuck
20 Plie Squats - holding heavy weight between legs
5 3/4 Burpees with Pushup
20 Bicep Curls to Overhead Shoulder Press - with light weights
5 1/2 Burpees or Plank Jumps - in plank, jump both your feet in towards your chest at the same time and then back out
20 Alternating Bent Over Rows with heavy weights
6 Oblique Burpees with Elbow to Knee Crunch and Jump Squat/Knee Tuck
20 Standing Overhead Tricep Extension holding 1 heavy weight or 2 light weights
5 Triple Play Abs - these 3 moves make up 1 rep:
     Start laying on your back, legs straight and arms straight overhead
     1 V-Up
     1 Straddle Up - legs & arms come up, straddle your legs open & reach thru them
     1 Knee Tuck - bring knees in towards chest and you swing arms down by your side to reach your heels (advanced option is to roll up onto sitz bones as you reach your heels)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Numbers DO Sometimes Lie

There is such a thing as being 'Skinny Fat'.  A low number on the scale doesn't always correlate to a better state of health.  When you're looking for results, the number on the scale shouldn't be the determining factor  of whether your program is working or not.  How your clothes fit, your blood pressure, your resting heart rate, cholesterol numbers and other 'true health' factors should tell you whether your fitness program is working.  I trained a client who came to me after about 6 months and said she was upset because she hadn't lost any significant amount of weight.  But when we went over the other changes - her frame of mind changed - she went from a size 8 to a size 4; her body fat had decreased from over 30% to just over 20%; when she started training with me she struggled to chest press 10lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 10 reps and now was pumping 25lb dumbbells for 3 to 4 sets of 15.  That put a smile on her face.  Just got to put everything in perspective, right?

Alright - just a bit of HIIT today - same as yesterday, 5 rounds, get it done then enjoy your weekend.

Go thru the circuit 5x

5 Burpees without Pushup with Squat/Tuck Jump
10 Squat Jumps
20 Jump Lunges
30 Mountain Climbers
20 V-Ups
10 Oblique Burpees with Knee to Elbow Crunch and Squat/Tuck Jump
5 Divebomber Pushups

Great job!!!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Time to EARN Yours

Today is this week's second day of lifting after a short cardio HIIT workout.  Make sure you are hydrating yourself before, during and after your workout.  Drink BEFORE you get thirsty - that will ensure your muscles will stay hydrated - after all, your muscles are mostly water - they can't work efficiently if they are not properly hydrated.

We've got a NEW AB MOVE today - The Weighted V-Up Twist

The Weighted V-Up Twist - Perform a weighted V-Up but as you come back down, twist with the weight to each side.  Reset and go again.

Take a moment and warmup.

Go thru the circuit 10x!

5 Burpees with Tuck/Squat Jump no pushup
10 Weighted V-Up Twist (modification - if you cannot bring your upper body up - perform 10 regular weighted V-ups leaving your upper body on the ground and then do 10 Russian Twists - sitting up with heels on the ground - tilt back and rotate weight side to side)
20 Mountain Climbers

that's it - now go lift - Back and Shoulders


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It Doesn't Always Have to Be Perfect

I think that we all strive to be perfect in some way - whether it be in fitness, our job, as a parent - it doesn't matter what -  just know that it's crazy to think we need to be perfect.  We should always strive to just be better than we are today.

So for today - work on making today's workout better than yesterday's - work a littler harder and push yourself a little further.

Warmup for a few minutes, grab a heavy and light weight and then get into the workout.

Go thru the circuit ONCE - then move onto your LIFT

25 Squats
25 Lunges each leg
10 Pushups
25 Crunches

25 Wide Leg Weighted Squats - holding heavy weight down in between legs - keep chest up
15 Weighted Lunges each leg - heavy weight - put the weight in the same side hand as whatever leg you have in front
10 Pushups
25 Weighted Crunches - holding weight above your chest - light weight

25 Jump Squats
30 Jump Lunges
10 Pushups
25 Reverse Crunches

25 Mid Stance Weighted Squats - holding heavy weight at chest level
15 Weighted Elevated Lunges each leg - back leg on step/chair
10 Pushups
25 Side Plank Reach Unders with light weight (in hand that reaches under) - each side

Great Job - now go to the Strength Training Circuits tab and lift CHEST AND ARMS!


Monday, July 16, 2012

The Answer to Everything

Not a bad idea.  Let's try that :)

Take a few minutes and warm-up, then grab a medium DB and get going.

Go thru the circuit ONCE

100 Squat Jumps - holding weight
10 Pushups
20 Weighted Sit Ups
75 Squat Jumps - holding weight
10 Tricep Pushups
20 Weighted V-Ups
50 Squat Jumps - holding weight
10 Firefly Pushups
20 Russian Twists - sitting up on sitz bones, feet can be lifted or heels on ground, lean back slightly, twist from side to side with DB
25 Squat Jumps - holding weight
10 Diverbomber Pushups
20 Weighted Scissor Kicks - lie on your back, legs straight and arms overhead holding the DB.  Pick one leg up as you crunch up and reach the DB towards that foot - return to starting position and repeat on the other side


Sunday, July 15, 2012

And We're Back!

Hello everyone!  I'm back!  I am still on the road to recovery but am feeling much better and much stronger.  Thank you to all of you for your kind emails, comments and words over the past week - they most definitely got me through a very difficult time.  I hope you had a good week of exercise last week, whatever you chose to do.

Let's kick off this week with a NEW MOVE - The Side Burpee.  Why yes, another variation to the ever popular Burpee.

THE SIDE BURPEE  - Start standing with feet about hip distance apart.  Squat down and place hands on floor.  Jump/Step both your feet to one side so you are in a straight arm side plank- you can either stack your feet or have one in front of the other.  Perform a knee to elbow side plank crunch (optional) and then jump/step your feet back to center.  Stand up and perform a tuck/squat jump.  Repeat on the other side.

Now let's get moving.  Warm-up for a few minutes.

Burpee Attack - Cardio Circuit - go thru the circuit 3x

50 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
5 Burpees with Pushup and Knee Tuck
40 Jump Lunge w/Twist - holding light db
5 3/4 Burpees
30 Prisoner Squats w/ Bicycle - hands behind head - perform one squat then a standing 'bicycle crunch' - bringing one knee up as you crunch down with the opposite elbow - alternate sides
5 Side Burpees
20 V-Ups
5 1/2 Burpees (plank jumps in and out) - add a pushup in between each jump if you so inclined
10 Box Jumps or Step Ups (each leg)


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Time to Recover

To all my TighterAssets followers:

I hope you had a most wonderful holiday week.  It's always nice to have a holiday in the middle of the week so we can stretch out our vacations - a little rest and relaxation is always good for the body.  It's amazing how wonderful a workout feels after you have let your body rest for a bit.  That being said, I am going to ask you guys to try and put together your workouts on your own this week- whether you go back and choose  workouts from the past few months,  repeat last week's workouts or even try out some new classes at your gym - make sure you get at least 30 minutes of intense exercise every day.

I hope you can forgive me for not providing you new workouts this week but unfortunately my holiday weekend brought some unexpected medical emergencies into my life that I need a bit of time to heal from both physically and emotionally.

Thank you all for your understanding - and no worries, the workouts will be back and more fun and intense than ever!!!

Yours in health and fitness,

And through all your workouts - TRAIN WITH INTENTION!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let's Finish This

Friday once again.  Let's get this workout done and feel good about going into this holiday weekend.  Just like yesterday you've got a quick HIIT workout and then your 2nd day split - Back and Shoulders.  Click here for the routine or click on the Strength Training Circuit tab to the right.

Set your time for 20 minutes - go thru the circuit as many times as you can during that time.

50 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
40 Mountain Climbers
30 V-Ups (10 right side, 10 center and 10 left side)
20 1/2 Burpees - in plank position, jump feet in towards chest and then back out to plank
10 3/4 Burpees w/pushup
5 Burpees w/pushup and tuck or squat jump
5 Double Burpees

Great job.  Now go lift.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Making a Good Thing Even Better

So by now you must know that I like to Burpee.  It's a wonderful exercise incorporating both cardio and strength exercises.  A complete full body workout.  The perfect exercise.  How could it get any better...believe me it can.  Over this next couple of weeks I will introduce you to some more variations on your beloved Burpee.  Today we will start with the DOUBLE BURPEE - same moves as a regular burpee but you will do 2 PUSHUPS and 2 PLANK JUMPS and 2 TUCK OR SQUAT JUMPS.  


Today's workout is a quick HIIT and then you'll move onto your Strength Circuit - Chest and Arms.  Click here to get the lift.

20 minute HIIT - set your timer for 20 minutes and go through the circuit continuously until the time runs out.

5 Double Burpees
10 Lunge Squat Combo
15 V-Ups
5 3/4 Burpees (see new moves for instructions or go back to Monday's workout)
10 Reverse Lunge to Front Kick (each leg)
15 Side Plank Drops (each side)

Grab a quick drink and then start your lift.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Take the Day Off - Happy 4th! Enjoy.  Just make wise choices regarding your food! You've been working hard up to this point - don't undo it!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sometimes You Need to Ignore That Voice . . .

In the battle for fitness, you are your own enemy.  You can't blame it on food or not having the time or not knowing what to do, because YOU control all of that.


SIDE PLANK REACH UNDER - in straight arm or forearm side plank, reach your top arm straight to the ceiling and then bring it down underneath you.  To challenge yourself more, turn your hips to face the floor as you reach under.

JUMP LUNGE WITH A TWIST - start in a lunge and hold a medium weight or medicine ball on the outside of the front leg - perform a jump lunge as you bring the weight back overhead and swing it to the outside of the front leg.

Take a moment and warm-up.

Set your timer for 25 minutes.  
Perform the circuit as many times as you can during this time.

50 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
10 Pushups
40 Side Jump Lunges/Ice Skaters
10 Tricep Pushups
30 Jump Lunges with a Twist
10 Pike Pushups
20 Touchdown Squat Jumps
10 Divebomber Pushups
10 Side Plank Reach Unders (10 each side)


Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's Good To Be Uncomfortable

If you're a bit uncomfortable when you're working out - that's a good sign. You've got to work outside your comfort zone to get the body you want.  If you workout the same, your results will be the same.  If you workout differently, your results will be different.

I've got 2 NEW MOVES for you today! - THE 3/4 BURPEE AND SQUAT TO WOODCHOP

THE 3/4 BURPEE - similar to a regular burpee but after you jump in from plank you come up to a squat and hold for a moment and then go back down into your burpee

THE SQUAT TO WOODCHOP - holding a medium weight, start in squat stance, swing the weight down towards to outside of one foot as you squat, as you stand up, swing it in front and then over the opposite shoulder as you twist in that direction.  Keep your arms as straight as you can during the entire movement.

Alright - now onto the workout - just a few moves - go thru the circuit completely 5x.
Warm up for a few minutes and then get to it!

Go thru the circuit 5x
10 3/4 Burpees
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Flat Bicycles - start lying flat with hands behinds your ears with legs extended.  Crunch upper body up as you bring one knee in towards your chest, twisting towards that knee - return back to the floor and switch sides.  MODIFICATION - regular bicycle crunches
10 Squat to Woodchops - perform 10 on one side and then 10 on the other
20 Crab Toe Touches