Sunday, July 15, 2012

And We're Back!

Hello everyone!  I'm back!  I am still on the road to recovery but am feeling much better and much stronger.  Thank you to all of you for your kind emails, comments and words over the past week - they most definitely got me through a very difficult time.  I hope you had a good week of exercise last week, whatever you chose to do.

Let's kick off this week with a NEW MOVE - The Side Burpee.  Why yes, another variation to the ever popular Burpee.

THE SIDE BURPEE  - Start standing with feet about hip distance apart.  Squat down and place hands on floor.  Jump/Step both your feet to one side so you are in a straight arm side plank- you can either stack your feet or have one in front of the other.  Perform a knee to elbow side plank crunch (optional) and then jump/step your feet back to center.  Stand up and perform a tuck/squat jump.  Repeat on the other side.

Now let's get moving.  Warm-up for a few minutes.

Burpee Attack - Cardio Circuit - go thru the circuit 3x

50 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
5 Burpees with Pushup and Knee Tuck
40 Jump Lunge w/Twist - holding light db
5 3/4 Burpees
30 Prisoner Squats w/ Bicycle - hands behind head - perform one squat then a standing 'bicycle crunch' - bringing one knee up as you crunch down with the opposite elbow - alternate sides
5 Side Burpees
20 V-Ups
5 1/2 Burpees (plank jumps in and out) - add a pushup in between each jump if you so inclined
10 Box Jumps or Step Ups (each leg)


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