Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's the Only Way

You can't build your body without a little effort, a little sweat, and a lot of dedication.  I'm not asking you to train like an Olympic Athlete - I'm just asking you to a little harder each day - because once it starts getting easy - it's not working anymore.

We've got a HIIT circuit today followed by a heavy lift for your BICEPS!

HIIT CIRCUIT - go thru 3x
10 Burpees without Pushup
5 Pushups
20 Pop Squats - start with your feet together - pop out to a low squat - jump back in
5 Pushups
30 Squat to Lunge Back Combo
5 Around the World V-Ups
40 Alternating Front Kicks
5 Divebomber Pushups
50 Mountain Climbers

Go thru the circuit 3x - Because we are working a smaller muscle today make sure you take a 30 to 60  second rest in between each exercise to make sure your muscle can recover before you move on -this will ensure proper form, range of motion and strength gains.

Alternating curl - medium weight - 12 reps each arm
Double Arm Hammer curl - medium weight - palms face eachother - 12 reps
21's - medium weight or bar - palms face up - 7 bottom halves, 7 top halves and then 7 full range
Concentration Curl - medium/heavy weight - 10 reps each arm


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