Sunday, July 8, 2012

Time to Recover

To all my TighterAssets followers:

I hope you had a most wonderful holiday week.  It's always nice to have a holiday in the middle of the week so we can stretch out our vacations - a little rest and relaxation is always good for the body.  It's amazing how wonderful a workout feels after you have let your body rest for a bit.  That being said, I am going to ask you guys to try and put together your workouts on your own this week- whether you go back and choose  workouts from the past few months,  repeat last week's workouts or even try out some new classes at your gym - make sure you get at least 30 minutes of intense exercise every day.

I hope you can forgive me for not providing you new workouts this week but unfortunately my holiday weekend brought some unexpected medical emergencies into my life that I need a bit of time to heal from both physically and emotionally.

Thank you all for your understanding - and no worries, the workouts will be back and more fun and intense than ever!!!

Yours in health and fitness,

And through all your workouts - TRAIN WITH INTENTION!


  1. Get well soon! My prayers are with you!!

  2. Thank you very much Gwendolyn. Feeling stronger every day!
