Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HIIT, Lift and Core

Alright everyone - quick cardio and then hit the weights.
Since you pushed through that HIIT workout yesterday with all the push-ups, start off your lift with the Back and Biceps workout in the Strength Circuit Programs page.  After that push through the Core Circuit.  Remember to lift weights that challenge you!

Quick Cardio -
(You can always go for a nice quick run - 15 to 20 minutes at a moderate pace)
Warm Up for a few minutes - jog in place, jump jacks, go for a quick run...just warm up

Go through the following full circuit 3x -
5 Burpees with Push Up
Go through the following circuit 5x: 10 High Knees - 10 Mountain Climbers - 10 Plank Jacks
20 Squat Jumps
Go through the following circuit 5x:  10 Jump Jacks - 10 Mountain Climbers - 10 Push Ups
20 Jump Lunges

Now go lift Back and Biceps

Come back for some Core - go through 3x
25 lying crunches (use a stability ball if you have one)
50 lying or upright (on your sitz bones) bicycles
25 lying leg drops - on your back, slide your hands under your lower back/top of your bum - start with your legs straight up in the air, slightly bent, then drop them as far down as you can keeping your lower back pressed against your hands
30 second forearm plank hold - start off on your toes then drop your knees STRAIGHT down if you get tired before the time is up

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