Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday Muscle Mash Up

Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to get started again.  Whether you have been training with me for a bit or are just starting - remember - put your all into each and every workout.  Results are only achieved if you push yourself to your limit during these short intense workouts!

Today's workout is a combination of high intensity cardio bouts with strength training circuits in between.  So you will need a pair of dumbbells, preferably a couple (3-5 and 8-10) of different options if you have them.

Go thru each circuit 3x before moving onto the next.
Warm Up for a few minutes - jog in place, go for a quick run, jumping jacks...etc.

50 Jump Squats or Fast Squats 
20 Push Ups
20 Lying Chest Flys with Leg Extension (on back, hold weights up with palms facing eachother, legs up in tabletop position.  As you open your arms out to the side extend your legs as parallel to the floor as you can without lifting your lower back off the ground.  Return legs back to tabletop as you bring your arms back in as well)

50 Jump Lunges or Fast Step Back Alternating Lunges
20 Bent Over Rows w/ palms facing eachother
20 Plank Rows (in push up position holding dumb bells - alternate rowing one weight up towards your lower rib cage)

50 High Knees
15 Bicep Curls
15 Overhead Presses (palms face forward push weights overhead, return to ear height)
50 Bicycle crunches on back or on sitz bones

50 Mountain Climbers
10 Side Raises and 10 Front Raises
15 Overhead Tricep Extensions (hold one weight or two overhead, bend elbows and drop them behind your head, keep your elbows by your ears, extend back up overhead)
25 Knee Tucks (Sit with hands on floor underneath shoulders, knees bent.  Lean back as far as you can and extend your legs straight out, floating off the ground, pull your knees back in towards your chest as you sit your upper body upright again)

and remember . . . TRAIN WITH INTENTION!


  1. I did this yesterday, and when I woke up today my legs were so sore! (in a good way!) Thanks for the great work out!

  2. My pleasure - glad you enjoyed it! - TK
