Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hey Everyone -
Sorry about the hiatus last week - my only excuse is that there aren't enough hours in the day!  So I've decided that this week I'd post all your workouts for the week so you wouldn't be jipped!  So here goes!

Monday - HIIT

Tuesday - HIIT and Back and Shoulders

Wednesday - HIIT

Thursday - HIIT and Chest and Arms

Friday - HIIT and Ab Bonus

MONDAY'S HIIT - go thru 3x
(You'll need a set of heavy/medium weights for this workout)
100 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
20 Plie Squats holding weights in front (keep chest up - feet turned out)
25 Weighted Crunches - holding 1 weight over your chest
50 Weighted Jump Squats - holding 1 weight at chest level
20 Off Set Lunges (each leg)  - hold 1 weight in the same arm as the leg that is in front
50 Weighted Russian Twists
50 Jump Lunges
20 Straight Leg Deadlifts - holding 2 heavy weights, feet hip distance apart, keep knees slightly bent - keeping a STRAIGHT BACK - slowly lower the weights towards the floor, then squeeze your bum and lift back to standing slowly
15 Weighted V-Ups

TUESDAY'S HIIT - go thru 3x
1 minute Jump Jacks or Running in Place

the 30's Squat - 10 top half squats, 10 full range squats and then 10 bottom half squats
10 Pushups
5 Burpees without Pushup
30 Side Plank Drops - 15 each side


WEDNESDAY'S HIIT - set your timer for 30 minutes - go thru the circuit as many times as you can during that time.
50 Side Jump/Skater Lunges
50 Mountain Climbers
30 second Forearm Plank Hold
20 3/4 Burpees (see NEW MOVES section for video)
20 Mogul Jumps - in plank - both feet jump towards one hand, back to middle, then over to the other side
45 second Forearm Plank Hold
50 Squat and Front Kick (25 each leg)
50 Plank Jacks
1 min Forearm Plank Hold

THURSDAY'S HIIT - go thru 3x
10 Burpees without Pushup
50 Oblique Mountain Climbers - knee to opposite elbow
10 Box Jumps or Step Ups each leg
40 Firefly Climbers - in plank, knee to outside of same side elbow
10 Touchdown Jump Squats - get low enough to tough the floor in between each squat
20 1/2 Burpees - in plank - jump both legs in towards chest and then back to plank

now go lift CHEST AND ARMS

FRIDAY'S HIIT - go thru the workout 1x
100 Jump Rope Skips
90 Jump Lunges
80 Mountain Climbers
70 Side Jump/Skater Lunges
60 Squat Jumps
50 Step Ups - 25 Each Leg
40 Plank Jacks
30 Elevated Lunges - back foot on chair/bench (15 each leg)
20 Glute Bridge Hip Lifts - on back, knees bent, feet on floor - squeeze bum and lift hips as high as you can squeeze them
10 Pushups

Ab Bonus - go thru 3x 
15 V Lifts - on back, arms overhead -  lift legs up and open to a V as you crunch your upper body up and reach thru your legs
20 Bicycle Crunches
15 In and Outs - start sitting hugging knees to chest - release and straight legs out as long and low as possible while leaning back with arms outstretched - return to your hugging position (feet can touch floor if you need to - if not, keep them floating)
20 Side Plank Reach Unders - 10 each side - in forearm side plank, reach top arm under you and then unravel


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