Tuesday, February 26, 2013

State of Mind

Yup.  So pick up the heavier weights today:)

Wednesday's HIIT - set your timer for 12 minutes - go thru as many times as you can
10 Burpees without Pushup
10 Touchdown Squats - touch floor
10 Mogul Jumps
10 Lying Alternating Toe Touches

Wednesday's LIFT - Back and Biceps - go thru 4x

12 Bent over Double Arm Rows - HEAVY WEIGHT - palms face eachother
15 Hammer Curls - MEDIUM WEIGHT - palms face eachother
12 Bent over Single Arm Rows - HEAVY WEIGHT - palm faces back (stand in a lunge stance - whatever leg is back is the side that the arm is rowing)
15 Double Arm Biceps Curls - MEDIUM WEIGHT - palms face up


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