Sunday, November 18, 2012

Prepping for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just a few days away.  And even though we don't plan on it, we tend to eat a bit more than we should - but why not?  You have been working hard day in and day out and you deserve to indulge a bit, just make sure you keep your indulgences in the bad stuff to a minimum!  If you want a second helping of turkey and some sweet potatoes, go for it!  If you want a piece of pie for dessert, why not, just make it a small piece - everything is okay in moderation.

This week we are going to be proactive about our Turkey Day indulgences!  HIIT it hard and lift some serious weight.

Monday's HIIT - 25 Reps of all the following:
Burpees without Pushup
Squat Jumps
Tricep Pushups
Bicycle Crunches (25 each side)

Monday's Lift - BACK AND CHEST - 3 sets, 12 reps each

Bent Over Alternating Row - heavy weight - palms face eachother
Lying Chest Press -heavy weight - palms face forward at the top, as you bring them down rotate palms to face eachother
Bent Over Double Arm Row - mediume weight-  palms face back
Standing Chest Scoop - light weight - stand with arms about a foot away from your sides, elbows slightly bent, palms up, scoop the dbs up and together to the height of your upper chest
Lying Pullover - one heavy db - hold over chest with slight bend in elbows - slowly drop weight behind your head keeping your arms as straight as possible, pull back over chest


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