Thursday, November 8, 2012

If you made it through the workouts this week - give yourself a pat on the back - they were not easy at all.  You should also give yourself a high-five for pushing yourself through each and every workout that you give your 100%.  I know that working out isn't on the top of most people's 'fun things to do' list - but it should be on the top of everyone's list of things they 'must do' for their health.

I know there is a sense of relief on Fridays - only one more workout and then we're free for 2 days!  But remember - you should make sure you get your body moving in one way or the other on those 2 days - these are ACTIVE recovery days.  This is extremely important if you start to let your diet slip a bit on the weekends!

Let's go out with a bang!

Rep It Out - 50 Reps of every exercise - don't move on until you've finished your 50 Reps!

Prisoner Squats - Squat as low as you can keeping your hands behind your head
Forward/Backward Lunge - 25 each leg - Lunge your R leg forward and then immediately push off and Lunge it back - complete all reps on one leg before you move to the other - try not to touch your foot in the middle if you can!
Full Sit-Ups
Mountain Climbers
3/4 Burpees - check on the NEW MOVES tab for a video of this move


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