Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alright, let's get some of that Christmas shopping frustration out!

Take a few moments and warm-up.  Grab a set of 8 to 10 lb dumbells and get to it!

SUPERSET #1 - go thru the circuit 4x before moving onto the next superset
20 Walking Lunges holding medium DBs - 10 steps forward, turnaround, 10 steps back (try not to stop in between lunges)
10 Pushups
15 Weighted Sit-Ups

SUPERSET #2 - go thru the circuit 4x before moving onto the next superset
Plie Squat to Upright Row - Holding dbs down with palms facing you, squat - as you come out of the squat pull the dbs up as close to your body as you can, up to your chest - keep your elbows high
20 Plank Rows - in plank position with one DB under one hand, row the DB up towards your rib cage - 10 on once side, then switch
20 Weighted Russian Twists

SUPERSET #3- go thru the circuit 4x
20 Weighted Step Ups - hold the dbs by your side as you perform 10 step ups each leg
10 Standing Bicep Curls to Overhead Press - palms face eachother, perform a bicep curl and then push the dbs overhead, bring them back down to your shoulders and then curl back down
45 second Forearm Plank Hold


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