Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lift Heavy - Get Smaller

The biggest myth women tend to believe is that they'll 'bulk up' if they lift heavy weights.  I'm not sure why they think that - but it's simply just not true.  The female bodybuilders have to work very hard and very long and tweak their nutrition just right to get the size they want in each and every muscle.  Ladies lifting heavy for 12-15 reps 3 to 4 days a week will actually build muscle, but in the long run, with appropriate cardio and proper nutrition, can actually become smaller - since muscle takes up less room than fat - your measurements will get tighter and smaller.

I'm a very good example of this - those of you that know me KNOW that lifting heavy doesn't bulk.  Those of you that don't know me, I'm about 5'5" and have never weighed more than 120lbs at any time and I can move some big weight for my small size - right now I am able to one arm DB row 75lbs 8x on each arm - hopefully to break that record this morning during my back lift! (One of my goals by the end of the year is to be able DB row 100lbs 10x on each arm)  So ladies - have no fear!

I want you to go thru a quick 15 minute cardio session - do what you want.  Run outside, do an old HIIT, jump rope...get moving and warm and then LIFT!

Circuit #1 - go thru 3x before moving on to Circuit 2
15 Lying DB Chest Press - HEAVY WEIGHT
10 Push-ups
12 Lying DB Chest Flys - MEDIUM WEIGHT

Circuit #2 - go thru 3x before moving on to Circuit 3
15 Lying Tricep Extensions/Skullcrushers - MEDIUM WEIGHT
10 Tricep Push-ups - hands no wider than shoulder width apart
12 Standing behind the head tricep extension - 1 HEAVY WEIGHT

Circuit # - go thru 3x 
15 Standing Overhead Presses- MEDIUM WEIGHT
10 Pike Pushups - in Down Dog - perform a pushup - head towards floor
12 Standing Side Raises - LIGHT WEIGHT

Challenge yourself and TRAIN WITH INTENTION!

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