Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Countdown is On. . .

Memorial Day is the official kick off to summer - are you ready to face it - whether it is in a bathing suit, tank top and shorts, or a sexy summer dress? If not, no worries - just come back and visit every day and do these workouts - they work as long as you are eating clean as well!!!  If you don't know if you're eating clean - email me at and I'll let you know if you're diet is helping or hurting your figure.

As in previous weeks - Monday's workout includes strength training with lighter weights but higher reps with Cardio Bursts in between.  Beginners should use 5 to 8 lb dumbbells and more Advanced fitness goers should use 10-15lb dumbbells.

Muscle Endurance Lift with Cardio
Warm up for 3-5 minutes

Circuit 1 - go thru 3x
50 High Knees
25 Weighted Squats - Mid Stance
20 Push Ups
50 Jumping Jacks
20 Bent Over Double Arm Row
20 Lying Chest Flys with Double Leg Extension

Circuit 2 - go thru 3x
50 Side Jump Lunges  - Ice Skaters
25 Weighted Squats - Wide Stance
20 Tricep Push Ups
50 Plank Jacks (in push up position - jump or walk your feet out and then back in)
20 Right Leg Lunge with Bicep Curl
20 Left Leg Lunge with Overhead Press
20 Weighted Full Sit Ups (hold weight at arms length over your chest - sit up as you push the weight up towards the ceiling)

Circuit 3 - go thru 3x
50 Jump Rope Skips or High Knees
25 Weighted Squats - Narrow Stance
20 Behind the head Tricep Extensions
50 Jump Lunges or Fast Reverse Lunges
21's Bicep Curls - 7 bottom halves, 7 top halves and 7 full range curls
20 Upright Rows (hold the dumbbells down in front of your thighs, palms facing you - lead with your elbows as you drag the dumbbells up your body to your lower chest)
20 Weighted Russian Twists (sit upright on your sitz bones holding a dumbbell in front of your chest - feet can float off the floor for a harder option - twist your upper body from side to side dropping the weight toward the floor as you twist - REMEMBER DON'T JUST MOVE THE WEIGHT FROM SIDE TO SIDE - YOU HAVE TO TWIST YOUR BODY)


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