Monday, April 30, 2012

Water Water Water

It makes up about 80% of your muscle tissue - they can't perform or recover properly if they're not it makes sense that you should be drinking a lot of it during the day.  There is no exact number of glasses you should be drinking - it all depends on your activity level and the climate - but you should be drinking at least 8-12 glasses (8 oz) of water per day, probably even more.

So grab your water bottle and let's hit it.

Make sure you warm-up for a few minutes before starting the workout.

Go thru the following exercises from beginning to end.  Then take a quick breather/water break and then start at the bottom and work your way up again.
10 Burpees w/o Pushup
20 Pushups
30 Squat Jumps
40 Twisted Plank Knee Tucks (in pushup position, bring knee in underneath you towards opposite elbow - alternate sides)
50 Jump Lunges
60 Bicycle Crunches - on back or upright on sitz bones
70 Side Jump Lunges/Ice Skaters
80 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
90 Crunches
100 Mountain Climbers


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