Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thirsty Thursday

Hey there!
Let's get right to it.

Once again - only 15 minutes of HIIT and then onto your lift - Chest, Triceps and Shoulders today.  Remember to choose your weight wisely.  If you don't go heavy enough to challenge or 'overload' those muscles, nothing will happen.  If you want change - then don't be afraid of the BURN!

Side note - make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water throughout the day!  Your muscles are mostly water - so keep them hydrated or they won't perform or recover properly!

Warm up for 3-5 minutes

QUICK HIIT - go thru the exercises 3x  - 50 seconds of work and then 10 seconds of rest

Burpees without Push Up
Standing Bicycles
Double Burpees (2 push ups, 2 plank jump ins and 2 jumps at the end)
3 V-Ups rollover to 3 Tricep Push Ups - start on your back and do 3 V-ups, immediately roll over to your stomach and push up for 3 tricep push ups (knees or toes - remember to keep your hands under your shoulders)
Plank Jump over Med Ball - in push up position, both feet on one side of the med ball - jump both feet over and back at the same time


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