Monday, May 14, 2012

Live With No Regrets

The only workout that you will regret is the one that you never did.  Live with no regrets - in all aspects of your life - including your fitness routine.  Whether you spend 10 minutes working out or an hour - make the most of each and every workout, exercise, set and rep.

Today we have another new exercise - THE REVERSE TABLETOP TOE TOUCH or THE CRAB TOE TOUCH.

Make sure you warm up for a few minutes before starting the circuit.  Today's is all about heart pump cardio and body weight exercises.

Go thru the following exercises 5x - the first round will be 50 reps of everything, second round is 40...and so on down to 10 reps

Side Jump Lunges/Skaters
Mountain Climbers
Lying Single Leg Drops - laying on your back, hands under your bum to make sure you low back stays in contact with the floor, legs straight up - drop one leg down at a time as close to the floor as you can keep your lower back on the ground
Jump Lunges
Plank Jacks
Side Plank Drops (1/2 reps on each side) - straight arm or on your forearm

AND in between each of your sets - do the following exercises
10 Burpees without Pushup
10 Pushups
10 Knee Tucks (or Squat Jumps)

TRAIN WITH INTENTION - then you will surely have NO REGRETS!

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