Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Make Every Rep Count

Making sure you get the most out of every workout is important, but it goes further than that.  You need to get the most out of every exercise, set and even each rep.  Make sure when you workout, especially when you strength train, you take the time to perform each exercise, each rep to its entirety with proper form and full range of motion.  Limiting your range of motion or performing the exercise with incorrect form will not only inhibit strength and fitness gains but can lead to injuries.  The speed at which you do exercises is important as well.  Make sure you are not rushing each rep - take the time time to perform both the positive (concentric) and negative (eccentric) motions.

Make sure you warm-up for a few minutes before you start your cardio circuit.

Go thru the following circuit 3x
20 Jumping Jacks
20 High Knees
10 Pushups
30 second Forearm Plank
30 second Wall Sit (Lean against a wall - slide down until your hips are in line with your knees, make sure your heels are directly under your knees - hold this 'sitting position')
20 Jump Squats
20 Jump Lunges
10 Tricep Pushups
30 second Left Side Forearm Plank
30 second Right Side Forearm Plank
45 second Wall Sit
20 Ice Skater/Side Lunge Jumps
20 Plank Jumps over Med Ball (in pushup position jump both feet over a med ball - back and forth)
10 Pushups with Toe Touch (perform one pushup with legs wider than normal- at the top of the movement bring one foot underneath you towards the opposite hand and touch your toe with that hand - MODIFICATIONS - (1) do your pushup on your toes and just bring your knee towards your opposite elbow; (2) perform your pushup on your knees, lift onto your toes and bring knee towards opposite elbow)
1 min Forearm Plank
1 min Wall Sit

Now that you're done with your cardio circuit - pick up a set of light and medium weights and hit those ARMS and SHOULDERS hard!  Just click on the Strength and Training Circuits tab to the right.

On a side note - I am working on getting more photos up of the exercises!


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