Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ignore the Liar

Your mind gives out before your body - remember that - you can always do one more exercise, one more set, even just one more rep!  So just tell you mind to quiet down when it's telling you to stop, listen to your muscles instead.

It's Friday - so that means one more last intense workout this week.  If you followed the plan this week I know you worked hard - kudos to you.  Today's workout is a timed one - go through the circuit as many times as you can in 25 minutes.  So whether you get thru it once or seven times - as long you are pushing yourself and not stopping until the timer says 25:00...then you have succeeded.

Warm up for a few minutes and then start your timer!

Friday's Fun Circuit 
Set your timer for 25 minutes - grab a 5 or 8lb weight - go thru the circuit as many times as you can.

25 Weighted Squat Jumps - hold dumbell in front of your chest as you perform the exercise
10 Weighted V-Ups
5 Pushups
50 Weighted Jump Lunges - you can either hold the dumbell in front of your chest or you can 'paddle' it from side to side as you switch sides during your jump lunge
10 Weighted Sit Ups
5 Tricep Pushups
30 Weighted Side Jump Lunges/Ice Skaters - hold the dumbell in front of your chest or allow it swing from side to side as you jump from side to side
5 Divebomber Pushups


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