Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's All In Your Head

The real reason we give up on our workouts and our fitness goals is because our head says that we either can't go on or won't be able to get to the finish line....but our bodies don't agree with that - THEY CAN GO ON!  This was so true yesterday during my early morning workout.  I had a crazy hard and long Tuesday  - between my own training and teaching, I had worked out for about 4 hours so when my alarm went off Wednesday morning -  my entire body was voting for skipping my workout and sleeping in.  But I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the gym.  It took me longer than usual to get through my leg workout which usually is my favorite, and I just wanted to go home, but then realized that every workout that I put my heart and head into is a workout closer to my own goals.  So I pushed through and actually added some extra to the end - my body's way of teaching my brain a lesson!

So just two more hard workouts of the week - so tell your brain to DEAL, your body is going to push and get through them.  These are your goals, you have set them and you WILL accomplish them.

Another day with a quick cardio circuit and then some weights.  You'll finish today's workout with Shoulders and Arms from the STRENGTH TRAINING CIRCUITS tab located at the right.

Take a few moments to warm up your body and then get to it.

Quick Cardio Pyramid
100 High Knees or Jump Rope Skips
90 Mountain Climbers
80 Bicycle Crunches
70 Jump Lunges
60 Forearm Side Plank Drops - 30 Each Side
50 Crab Toe Touches
40 Squat Jumps
30 V-Ups
20 Pushups
10 Burpees without Pushups with Knee Tuck Jump

Now grab a drink, maybe even a bit of a protein pick up and then hit the weights - Shoulders and Arms today!


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